Exploring Open Science Solutions

Discover how GRIOS Global Research Initiative on Open Science offers cutting-edge solutions and insights in the realm of Open Science.

Policy Synthesis

Guiding Open Science policies for global impact

Our team specializes in synthesizing current knowledge on Open Science to inform effective policies.

We identify successful practices and provide recommendations for more inclusive and equitable policies.

Knowledge Sharing

Facilitating global knowledge exchange in Open Science

We enable the dissemination of insights and best practices in Open Science to foster collaboration and innovation.

Through workshops, seminars, and publications, we promote the adoption of Open Science principles worldwide.

Technical Assistance

Providing expert support for Open Science initiatives

Our team offers technical guidance and assistance to organizations looking to implement Open Science practices.

From data management to policy development, we ensure a smooth transition towards Open Science standards.

Get in touch

Nóra Papp-Le Roy
Global Research Initiative on Open Science  (GRIOS)
European Science Foundation
1, quai Lezay-Marnésia – BP 90015
67080 Strasbourg cedex – France

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